Fujifilm Fujinon XF 60mm f/2.4 R Macro

Fujifilm Fujinon XF 60mm f/2.4 R Macro Lens Handling and features

Fujifilm X-pro 1 60mm 3
Fujifilm X-pro 1 60mm Rear

Although this lens only weighs 215g, the combination of metal and high quality plastics gives this lens a reassuringly robust feel. Although it is currently the largest of the three lenses released at the same time as the X-Pro1, it balances very well on the camera.

Focusing isn't performed internally and a central lens barrel lens extends by around two centimetres at its closest focus. Even so, the 39mm filter thread does not rotate, making it perfect for use with polarising and graduated filters. A large circular hood attaches to the bayonet around the front of the lens and the lens extends inside this when focusing. The wide focusing ring is well damped, making fine adjustments easy to apply, although it takes over three full turns of the ring to move the lens from infinity to its closest focus distance.

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 With 60mm Lens
Fujifilm XF 60mm f/2.4 R Macro Mounted

To compliment the retro styling of the X-Pro1, this 60mm macro lens has a manual aperture ring for selecting the desired aperture in a more traditional way. This aperture ring has each full stop marked, but has click stops for each intermediate 1/3 stop setting, and an 'A' setting for automatic operation. The aperture ring only requires a gentle touch to move through the aperture range, which is great for making quick adjustments, but requires care to be taken when changing lenses, as the aperture ring is easily moved.

At normal distances, autofocus is pretty quick, and should be more than adequate for candid portraiture. At close distances focusing is very slow and hunts a lot, therefore it is probably best to use manual focusing for any serious macro work.

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