Tokina AT-X 16-28mm f/2.8 PRO FX

Tokina AT-X 16-28mm f/2.8 PRO FX: Handling and features

Weighing 950g, the weight of this optic is fairly typical considering the wide angle of view and fast f/2.8 aperture. At 133.3mm long, it is quite large, especially as the zoom range is so narrow. The lens balances well enough on the Nikon D700 used for testing, although without the MB-D10 grip attached to the camera it can sometimes feel a little front-heavy.

Much of the exterior is constructed from textured black plastic, which feel very sturdy. The front element is a large curved piece of glass, much like that found on Nikon's 14-24mm optic and it moves back and forth inside a permanent lens hood. Some may be put off a little by this design, as filters cannot be attached directly to the lens, and the protruding front element may be prone to damage in rough conditions.

Although this lens doesn't have a silent focusing motor, as found on more expensive optics, focus is performed internally and speeds are more than adequate, finding its target quickly and accurately, with no hunting for a lock. The manual focus ring can be engaged or disengaged by sliding it back or forward. This gives access to manual focus in a quick and intuitive fashion.

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