Tokina ATX AF 16.5-135mm f/3.5-5.6

Tokina ATX AF 16.5-135mm f/3.5-5.6: Handling and features

Weighing 610g, this lens is neither especially lightweight or heavy and balances perfectly on the Nikon D300 used for testing. Tough black plastics with a textured finish look very smart and feel pretty sturdy, although not up to the standard of Tokina's professional optics. The deeply knurled zoom and focus rings provide plenty of grip and operate very smoothly.

The lens barrel is quite wide, which makes the lens look shorter by comparison. Zooming the lens to 135mm almost doubles its length, as the lens barrel extends in two sections. Focusing is performed internally, which makes the use of polarising and graduated filters possible without any issues. The lens accepts 77mm filters, which may suit those who have other lenses with this filter size as it is quite common.

Focusing is performed with a reasonable amount of urgency, although the standard focusing motor fitted to this optic isn't as fast, smooth or quiet as the silent offerings from other manufacturers. The minimum focus distance of 50cm is reasonable for a lens of this type, and allows for frame filling close-ups at the long end of the zoom range.

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