Newbie with a Nikon N70

By: lmoore1896 5604 days ago
I have just bought a used Nikon N70 and it has a 35-80 zoom lens that came with it. I am really new to photography and was hoping to get some help with lens choices. I will mainly be shooting outdoors, wildlife. I will also be shooting indoors, we have a new baby on her way. So there will be tons of baby pictures, haha. Anyways ANY info on lens or the N70 would be great. THanks!
By: johnriley 5603 days ago
First of all, get to know your camera and practice with the one lens. After a while, you will feel the need for something longer or wider, depending on your photographic style.

That's the time to start thinking about a second lens.

Otherwise, fill the frame with the subject, watch for distractions in the background and have fun!

By: johnriley 5603 days ago
An extra thought - if you want to get feedback on your images, post a picture a day on and get votes and comments on your pictures!

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