SLR Magic 12mm T/1.6 Hyperprime Cine Lens Review

SLR Magic 12mm T/1.6 Hyperprime Cine Verdict

Although this lens won't be for everyone, due to it's back-to-basics manual control, it will be a bit of a bargain for those it will suit. It is capable of delivering high quality images, with sharpness you'd expect of much more expensive lenses. The fast maximum aperture will suit film makers and still photographers alike, allowing images to be taken in dark, dingy places where you'd normally be reaching for a flash, or giving up entirely.

SLR Magic 12mm T/1.6 Hyperprime Cine Pros

Well priced for its spec
Excellent sharpness when stopped down
Metal build

SLR Magic 12mm T/1.6 Hyperprime Cine Cons

Wavy distortion
Stiff focusing ring may not suit everyone
Lens Gear and hood are optional accessories


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