Sigma 180mm f/2.8 APO EX DG OS HSM Macro Lens Review

Sigma 180mm f/2.8 APO EX DG OS HSM Handling and features

This lens certainly isn't a lightweight optic, due to the fast f/2.8 maximum aperture and optical stabilisation system. With a weight of over 1.6kg, it will balance better for hand-held shooting on larger camera bodies and using the vertical battery grip with the Nikon D700 body used for testing certainly helps. A removable tripod collar is provided for attaching a support.

Sigma 180mm F2 (12)

Sigma's HSM focusing motor provides extremely fast, silent and accurate autofocus at distances over a metre and a half from the sensor plane. The lens rarely hunts for a lock, even in reasonably low light conditions. Even at closer distances, focus speeds are decent and a three stage focus limiter is provided to minimise the chances of the lens hunting through the entire focus range. Focusing is performed internally, so the 86mm filter ring does not rotate, which makes this lens ideal for use with graduated and polarising filters, if you can find one large enough to fit.

The optical stabilisation system fitted to this lens promises sharp hand held photos at shutter speeds up to four stops slower than would normally be possible. The optical stabilisation system provides a very steady viewfinder image and with care, sharp shots are possible at 1/25sec around half the time, which is three stops slower than the usual rule of thumb would allow.

Sigma 180mm F2 (15)

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